Typo of the week
I recently found this in a book publishers blog comments. It was made by a reader and not the blog author: I am a gluten
I recently found this in a book publishers blog comments. It was made by a reader and not the blog author: I am a gluten
There's a famous saying that writing is rewriting. Rarely if ever does someone have a first draft go straight to the press. When you are
I've never had the chance to write a TV script, but I would love to! If you are a company that is looking for a
Many times I will work very hard on various little tasks in order to clear a block of time to dedicate to writing either a
A possible voice from the future: "You HAVE to go see Saw XIII! It was SO AWESOME! The best one since Saw VIII!" Nothing is
This is an actual Facebook group: No one really wants to believe this, but when it comes to business communication, people do judge your company
Think of a press release as exciting, breaking news about your company, product or service. Pick up any newspaper and read a couple stories–I suggest
It's not just about the words, it's about the idea. Great writing motivates in some way. Here's an excellent example of taking pretty basic copy
Think of your headline as an ad for your ad. Stats show that headlines are five times more likely to be read than the rest